2018 General Implement IT Foldable Sunflower Header 8
2018 General Implement IT Foldable Sunflower Header 8
Features may include:
Sunflower Header
The fixed and foldable sunflower headers operate with all combines make and models. The headers is made with concave covers that minimize product losses and with gathering units electrically welded and water tight zincplated gear boxes. The main auger with a variable pitch is provided with adjustable winglets in function of the width of the combine feeding channel. On fixed headers the rear external transmission includes a transmission chain with turnbuckle, a bolted gear, a splined shaft and a external supporting carter.
Concave covers
Product losses are minimized thanks to the concave covers which allow the product to slide towards the auger
Main auger
With a variable pitch to push the product towards the center, is provided with adjustable winglets in funtion of the width of the combine feeding channel
Harvesting units
The harvesting units sturdy frames are electrically welded water tight zinc-plated gear boxes. Motion is transmitted by means of a chain with an automatic turnbuckle. Product harvesting is made by means of corrugated belts mounted on harvesting chain disks which are mounted on a turnbuckle.
Colfax, Washington
General Implement
IT Foldable Sunflower Header 8
Transport: (27): 149 in (29): 127 in | Work: (17): 127 in (27): 232 in (29): 240 in
General Implement
IT Foldable Sunflower Header
Spacing: 17/35 in
Transport: (27): 149 in (29): 127 in | Work: (17): 127 in (27): 232 in (29): 240 in