2018 General Implement C15 Heavy Duty C15-10624
Create a berm-free seedbed with AMCO flexwings.F15 and C15 Double Offset Tandem Disc Harrows with folding flexwings to follow the contour of the fieldand utilize a double offset tandem design to smooth the soil. Overlapping front discs cut through soil and residue, while the flow of soil off the staggered rear disc gangs fills in the center furrow. This results in a more even performance and the perfect seedbed—without the need for a shank to level off the center.
Use the F15 and C15 for primary or secondary tillage, seedbed prep, or incorporation of chemicals. Turn them loose in your heavier primary tillage situations or to incorporate residue—including residue from cover crops—for faster breakdown.
Features may include:
- Greasable ball-type, toggle-mounted Protect-O-Shield® bearings, guaranteed for two full years (see below)
- 1½" square cold-rolled, high-carbon steel axles
- All models feature smooth blades with two feathering blades on the rear gangs
- Diminishing blades in the center of the double offset tandem design achieve a berm-free, level seedbed with no additional tools required
- 15" x 10" 8-hole wheels and 8-hole hubs standard equipment on 94-blade and 106-blade models (center section only)
- 90" tongue with jack enables sharper turns on dual-wheel tractors
- Scraper setup features heavy-duty arms, bars, and blades; blades are replaceable
- Hydraulic hoses complete to front of main frame
- Adjustable clevis of ductile iron with transport adapter
- Heavy-duty 3,000 PSI hydraulic cylinders to adjust cutting depth and raise the disc for transport
- DIAL-A-DEPTH depth control, allowing an even cut with positive depth control the entire width of the harrow